Hey there! 👋

Ever felt like your brain is a browser with too many tabs open? Yeah, we get it. We're drowning in information but somehow still sitting on our couch watching "just one more" productivity video.

Here's the thing...

We're All Info-Hoarders 🤓

Let's be honest – we consume content like we eat chips. One article leads to another, and suddenly it's 3 AM and we're watching "Why Penguins Would Be Top TikTok Influencers" (spoiler: they wouldn't).

The "I'll Start Monday" Syndrome 🗓️

  • We know eating veggies is good (thanks, Captain Obvious!)
  • We've watched every exercise video on YouTube (while munching on gorengan 😋)
  • We can list all the benefits of waking up for Tahajud prayers (yet here we are scrolling TikTok at 2 AM)
  • We're practically PhDs in "Things We Should Be Doing"

But here we are, still scrolling... still "getting ready to start." And the funny thing? All our friends are doing exactly the same thing!

The Plot Twist 🎭

We're not here to add another meditation app to your phone's graveyard of good intentions. Instead, we're building a place where:

  • You and your friends can turn "someday" into "today" together (yes, really today)
  • Your group chat becomes your accountability buddies (goodbye, ghosting your goals)
  • Small wins are celebrated by people who actually care (not just your mom)
  • Doing becomes more fun than planning (shocking, we know!)

What We're About

Think less "life-changing guru wisdom" and more "let's actually do this thing together." We're turning all that galaxy-brain knowledge into actual, real-world stuff you do - with friends who make it fun.


  • Reading about push-ups ≠ doing push-ups (but doing them with friends = hilarious memories)
  • Knowing about healthy eating ≠ eating healthy (but meal prep parties = productive chaos in the kitchen)
  • Understanding productivity ≠ being productive (but group work = productive-ish)

Let's stop being professional planners and start being amateur doers - together! Because everything's better with friends, even failing at your first workout.

Ready to turn those brain tabs into actual victories you can share? Bring your friends and let's go! 🚀

If you have a community or a content creator

We're building something cool for you! Want in?

Reach out to us on WhatsApp

P.S. If you read this far, you're probably procrastinating on something right now 😝. Go do that thing! 🚀

But before you leave, let's stay in touch